Veneers & Laminates

We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile, and to your highest level of satisfaction.

Veneers & Laminates



Starting at $999

Composite Laminates

Starting at $699

Prices may vary.

What is a Dental Laminates?

Dental laminates a thin, smooth, custom material placed on the surface of a tooth or teeth to enhance the appearance. The laminate procedure is minimally invasive for the patient and is a great way to provide a great smile.  Dental laminates are bonded to the teeth’s surface to improve their shape, size, color, and appearance and unlike dental crowns only require the removal of a small part of the tooth.

Who Needs Dental Laminates?

Dental laminates are primarily performed to treat the physical deformities of the teeth. Dental laminates are performed to:

  • Treat chipped or broken teeth

  • To fix uneven or misaligned teeth

  • To eliminate the gaps between the teeth

  • To create a new appealing smile

  • To permanently remove and prevent stains

Stains caused by certain antibiotics or excess fluoride are unable to be resolved through teeth whitening and therefore require dental laminates to be inserted, which provide a permanent stainless teeth surface.

The advantages of Dental Laminates are:

  • Laminates can fix uneven and misaligned teeth.

  • They can remove gaps between teeth. Gaps that can lead to dental shifting and jawbone deterioration.

  • Laminates can hide the chipping or any type of damage. These restorations can improve one tooth or even multiple teeth.

  • Effective for teeth with deep stains.

  • They can conceal tooth damage from chipping, cracking, or wearing out.

The disadvantages of Dental Laminates are:

  • People who have a thin enamel layer should not choose laminates.

  • More pain if the dentist grinds down to the dentin to attach to the shells.

  • Tooth sensitivity to temperature.

  • Possible formation of cavities.

  • Even if the shells are porcelain, the patient must still watch the food choices. The patient cannot have crunchy or hard foods. These substances might break the shells.

What is a Dental Veneers?

Veneers are thin coverings that fit over the front surfaces of your teeth. Technicians use high-quality dental materials, like tooth-colored composite or porcelain, to create them.

Dental veneers are cosmetic in nature. They can conceal a wide range of aesthetic imperfections, including chips, cracks, gaps, tooth discoloration and can be used to correct wide range of dental issues and can help to conceal uneven spaces between teeth.

Who Needs Dental Veneers?

Anyone who wants to enhance the appearance of their smile can explore veneers. These dental restorations can camouflage:

  • Chipped or broken teeth

  • Diastema (gaps or spaces in your smile)

  • Stains that don’t improve with teeth whitening

  • Teeth that are too small

  • Misshapen teeth

It’s important to note that veneers are only an option if you’re free of extensive cavities and gum disease. If you have serious oral health issues, you should address those first before exploring cosmetic treatments.

The advantages of Dental Veneers are:

  • Veneers can dramatically enhance the appearance of your smile.

  • They blend in with your natural teeth for lifelike results.

  • Veneers resist staining better than your natural tooth enamel.

  • Dental veneers don’t require any additional maintenance.

  • They have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years with proper care.

The disadvantages of Dental Veneers are:

  • You’ll lose at least some of your natural enamel.

  • Many types of veneers aren’t reversible.

  • Your teeth may become more sensitive to heat and cold.

  • It’s possible for a veneer to fall off or become dislodged.

  • Dental veneers are cosmetic, so they’re not covered by most insurances.

What is the Difference Between Dental Veneers and Laminates?

Dental veneers are made of two different materials namely composites and porcelain. Composite veneers are the less preferred choice as they are prone to staining. However, getting composite veneers requires less prep work on the natural teeth and a patient can walk out with them on the same day. On the other hand, porcelain veneers are typically double the price of composite veneers and require the removal of enamel for their placement.  They also cannot be repaired if chipped or damaged. However, they have a natural appearance, are more durable and can last up to ten years. Placing veneers, especially porcelain veneers, requires the removal of some of the enamel on the teeth and the reshaping of the tooth. This is done in order for the veneer to lay flat and avoid having a bulky, unnatural appearance. This poses a problem because the tooth’s natural protection is removed and the only thing left to protect it is the veneer. While they can be replaced, once the veneer is removed the tooth loses its protection.

Meanwhile, laminates can be referred to as an advanced porcelain veneer as they both share the same function and benefits. However, when placing laminates, the enamel and structure of the tooth do not have to be altered. While this may be better in the long term for the health of the tooth, getting laminates still has its disadvantages. While laminates are only as thick as a contact lens and a thinner alternative to porcelain veneers, they can be bulky on the teeth when they are placed without altering the tooth. They are also usually more expensive than porcelain veneers.

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